The Center for Health Education the first 6 months!

Our Center opened in January 2019 and we have been serving on average 100 women a month since we opened! Here our some of our favorite shots from our nurse Nacize!


Duchity Trip July 2017

The two main goals for this trip were to be together with and support the community during the festivities to celebrate their founding, and to follow up on our seed distribution and community garden programs.

Duchity Trip April 2017

On this trip we were able to celebrate Easter and the Haitian celebration of RaRa.  We also planted our Community Garden and made seed packet distributions to over 50 families.



Hurricane Matthew

A glimpse into the destruction and the recovery

Although the destruction the Matthew left behind was significant, when your looking at these photos please know that the Haitian people are strong, capable people and with your help they will rebuild.